This was my final project for ICS 111. It was a group project so I worked with my friend on this. We both barely had any experience with coding so we worked very hard on it. At the end, it didn’t turn out the way that we wanted it to, but we did finish the core ideas that we wanted in the project. The objective of this game is to shoot the target that float by the screen. We implemented a score system, which is shown on the top left of the screen. We learned how to make objects move across the screen and how to make objects dissapear if it was clicked on. Even though we finished, we did struggle to get the final product. It was a lot of long nights talking back and forth about how to solve some problems that we were facing.
Some problems that we encountered were the scoring system. We didn’t really know how to make it appear on the top left of the screen and also how to increment the score everytime a target was hit. We spent a bit of time talking about the problem and finally found an answer to the problem. We were able to figure it out on our own, which was very rewarding and also satisfying because it just proved that even though we were beginners, we were capable of making a great project.
Throughout this project my partner and I struggled with figuring out the coding portion of this project. We really had to work together for this project on every part of it. The biggest takeaway’s that I got from this project was that communication is very important and collaboration is vital and also fun. My communication skills grew immensely throughout this. Collaborating with my friend was a lot of fun because we got to bounce ideas off eachother and problem-solve with each other. I feel that this experience has prepared me for future projects where I will have to work with my peers on bigger and more advanced projects.
This is a link to the youtube video of “Target Hunt: Target Hunt